Please help raise donations and awareness for Homes For Our Troops by supporting this extreme challenge. On July 16th,2007 Charity Extreme will travel to a remote area of Norway for an attempt to jump off some of the highest cliffs in the world. This will be performed by an extreme sport called BASE Jumping. Base is leaping from a fixed object with a parachute. One will stand on the edge of these cliffs, summon the courage, and then jump off. After a freefall along the cliffs face, a parachute will be depolyed. This is then followed by a canopy descent to the landing area below. Video and pictures will be captured by helmet,chest, and wrist mounted cameras. A daily report,video clips, and pictures will be uploaded to a follow along website called a blog. Visit the blog and feel free to post your comments and thoughts about this challenging experience. All donations will be raised for Homes For Our Troops. Follow along and watch just how far some will go to help our disabled veterans. Base jumping is extremely dangerous and should never be attempted by anyone without proper experience,training, and equipment. All donations can be made through Homes For Our Troops on line or through the mail. If one donates for this event please refer it to Expedition 3000. All donations will be given to the charity as the expedtion is already funded.Please help spread the word about Expedition 3000 as we want to get this information to as many Military-Veteran Hospitals and Rehabilitation Facilities as possible. I hope that Disabled Veterans everywhere can follow the blog and watch just how far we will go to raise donations and awareness for Homes For Our Troops.
To Donate online for Homes for Our Troops :
Homes For Our Troops Website for other events and information
Thanks. Charity Extreme