On September 9, 2006 The Policemen’s Benevolent Association local 362 held the 1st Cops United Free Falling Spectacular (C.U.F.F.S.) charity skydiving event. During this event we invited the public to come and make a tandem skydive with your local police and public safety personnel all to raise money for the Special Olympics. During last years C.U.F.F.S. event we raised $4,500.00 and completed an amazing 160 tandem Skydives. During the event people were entertained by a local radio station and enjoyed free Redbull complements of the Redbull Energy Team. Thank you to everyone who attended and see you next year on July 21, 2007.
The Charity Extreme Team would like to Thank all of those who have sponsored, supported, and donated to all of our events. Without all the help we would not have been able to assist the different charities we support. These charities reley on donations, like yours to help their efforts. We thank all who have helped!